Golf Čertovo Břemeno

The beautiful 18-hole Čertovo břemeno course is located in the village of Alenina Lhota, in the heart of the Jistebnická vrchovina nature park. It lies at an average altitude of 640 m and the largest height difference between the tee and the hole exceeds 23 meters. The course is crossed by various streams, small pools and it includes two large ponds. Characteristic elements are also various stone walls, ramparts and partitions, which left the landscape with its original character.
Part of the area is a clubhouse, which is set in the terrain wave and has become part of the hilly landscape. The clubhouse won the Building of the Year 2011 award and was designed by the well-known architect Stanislav Fiala.
The course is beautiful and sporty at the same time and is a challenge for every player.