My goal for this golfing season was clear – no one can get me on a golf course while the temperature lies below 10°C. The year 2021 was, however, unique right from the start. Covid got us locked up at home in our districts, that is why we couldn’t carry out the maiden voyage we had planned in our brand new motorhome – skiing. This only made us more excited for when we could travel and play golf. The matter was settled and the second weekend of April we were on our way. To our surprise though, who would have thought we would still need winter tyres?

We couldn't be discouraged by some snow, of course.

We were well aware the weather was different at home than in Southern Bohemia, so we wouldn’t let ourselves be discouraged by cold, snowy weather. Our first stop was planned to be Golf Resort Monachus. We set do depart late in the afternoon, therefore estimated arrival was late night. According my research they offered a power outlet connection, which we found with ease upon arrival. We parked right next to the outlets on the eastern side of the clubhouse and went to sleep. The following morning revealed our first rookie mistake – not extending the power cord from it’s cord cylinder (where it’s stored). During the night the cord, wrapped around the cylinder, produced so much heat it blew the heat fuse. Luckily, the gas-powered heating worked well and we weren’t freezing. 

Hole #3 surrounded by piles of snow.

The golf course was looking pretty well even with winter passing so recently. Greens, fairways, roughs, bunkers were all looking ready for season opening. Only the temperature wasn’t quite to my liking. We started playing at 4°C. But, just like the saying, there is no bad weather for golfing, only bad clothing, which we stuck to and dressed accordingly. The round turned out to be enjoyable, especially after the first draft beer in a long time. The staff acclimated to covid times really well by still running the kitchen, and serving customers through a small “window”, which turned out to be perfect for us. Golf Resort Monachus was, to put it simply, flexible and adaptive to the times and all types of customers, including those travelling by motorhome. Apart from one single comment, that I should have parked a little further from the clubhouse and stretched the power cord from there, parking was not a problem there. To ease up the situation for you, I attached a small map showing the optimal parking spots, as well as where to find power and water access. P1 spot is about 35 meters from the power outlet and directly near a freshwater tap. P2 is around 45 meters away, and I recommend parking there only should P1 be occupied. 

Parking map

After playing a round at Monachus we moved to Hluboká. The weekend was short and we were so eager to play, that we planned a teetime for the next day right away. Unfortunately, Hluboká was not ready for us – motorhome parking spots construction was in progress, however the course manager recommended we park near the stadium on the other side of the road. Those, who play Hluboká on a regular basis, know, that it is practically a part of the town, so don’t expect a relaxed, quiet vibe you can get at other golf courses further away from “civilisation”. Athletes and active people start to emerge early in the morning and the whole neighbourhood is on the move throughout the whole day. My tip would be to plan an early teetime, however we were not aware of this, so I booked one a bit later, around noon, so we had time to waddle around for a bit and visit the local marina. That area was quite empty, but I can imagine it being full of life later in the season. 

Castle Hluboká

Quality of the golf course was, again, very satifying, taking into account that it was snowing recently. Restaurant was open for business in the same manner as at the Monachus, and grilled meat served outside was very pleasing as well. The course manager, Tonda Loužek, reassured us that had we arrived two days later, we would have been their first guests to try out their brand new motorhome parking spots. 

Posledním hřištěm v Jižních Čechách měl být Český Krumlov. Jenže počasí nepřálo. Naštěstí jsme obytným autem a plány lze průběžně měnit. Windy hlásilo, že Jižní Morava bude následující den bez deště, tak jsme vyrazili na cestu zpět o den dříve. Zavřené sprchy nás po 3 dnech připravily o veškerou vodu v autě (byli jsme ve 3) a tak začal průzkum, kde nabrat vodu. Rady typu „koukněte na – pitná voda“ jsou fajn, ale tak možná v Praze a nějak jsem nedokázal odfiltrovat pítka, kde do kanystru opravdu nenaberete a hadici nepřipojíte. Po cestě jsme navštívili asi 5 čerpacích stanic a teprve Unicorn Kozlov na dálnici D1 směr Brno měl venku kohoutek s pitnou vodou. Natankovali jsme do plna a dojeli na Kaskádu.

Opět noční hledání připojení na elektřinu. Z informací z hřiště mělo být k dispozici. Jenže naše plány se změnily na poslední chvíli a už jsem nestihl na hřiště v provozní době zavolat. Našel jsem nabíjení elektro aut, to ale moje 230V prodlužka se standardní ani s CEE koncovkou nedala J. Přespali jsme tedy bez elektřiny na horním struskovém parkovišti. Následující den jsem dostal informaci, že nejlíp je zastavit na parkovišti P9 nad budovou údržby, dopředu zavolat a bude připraveno připojení. Přikládám mapku s vyznačeným místem. Hřiště v dobré kondici, polední přeháňka vyšla akorát na pauzu mezi dvěma devítkami s chutným obědem z okénka.

Plánek parkování

Naše první víkendová cesta novým bydlíkem (ještě jsme se neshodli na pojmenování) byla u konce. Přivezli jsme si sebou seznam, co vše ještě musíme dokoupit, domontovat a dodělat pro ještě pohodovější příští výlety. A máme první přehled o spotřebě:

  • Elektřina – dvě noci v pohodě, AGM baterie o kapacitě 230 Ah pokles ani nezaznamenaly
  • Voda – 3 dny, 3 osoby – šetrné koupání a vaření – spotřebuje celou nádrž 120 l. Příště i na krátký výlet hadici a kanystry, dokud nebudou na hřištích otevřené i sprchy
  • 30 GB dat – zavádějící informace poskytnutá synovi – máme dostatek dat – po 3 dnech jsme byli na nule. Večer sledování PGA Tour, syn nějaké seriály a v pondělí vzdálená výuka daly kartě zabrat. Pro častější výlety bude zapotřebí neomezený tarif

A už se těšíme na příští výlet!


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